Helping people take a step in the right direction
About Us
We exist to help people take a step in the right direction towards fulfilling their potential and purpose, by reaching them with the message that God loves them and that a relationship with Him will transform their lives. We desire to help them develop this relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ, and to also develop healthy, nurturing relationships with others. In this way we will become a growing and thriving spiritual community that is culturally relevant and spiritually dynamic.
Every person is loved by God, and therefore valued by us. This is so they may receive, repent, and be reconciled to God and to one another.
Every person needs a moral compass, which is the Bible, the Word of God. It will guide, guard, & grow them for life.
Every believer has unique gifts from God. This brings significance, servanthood, and strength to their lives and to the body of Christ.
Every believer has a role in modelling, mentoring and mobilizing the kingdom of God.
We believe that there is one God, the Creator of everything, who exists eternally in three self-expressions: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that God created humans to have relationship with Him as the source of life, hope and purpose. However, a fallen angel called the devil influenced humans to sin against God, and as a result all have sinned, are separated from God, and deserving of death.
We believe that God sent His Son to become a human being called Jesus, to show us the Father by performing miracles, healing the sick, driving out evil powers, and teaching divine words of truth.
We believe that Jesus willingly gave Himself to suffer and die in order to pay the penalty for all the sins of humanity, thereby making it possible for us to be in relationship with God.
We believe that God raised Jesus from the dead, thereby defeating death forever, and that Jesus ascended back to His Father in heaven.
We believe that those who turn from their sins to God and place their faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son are forgiven from their sins and saved to new life. They are baptized in water to signify this new life, and they become followers of Jesus to form His global Church.
We believe that God sent His Holy Spirit to regenerate, indwell, fill, empower and lead followers of Jesus.
We believe that the scriptures called the bible are the inspired words of God, and that they are useful for teaching, correcting and training us in God’s truth.
We believe that Jesus Christ will return, to judge and reward everyone according to their earthly lives, and to bring His followers into the presence of God in heaven for all of eternity.
Gateway Church is affiliated with The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, a fellowship of about 240,000 people in 1100 churches across Canada, and closely associated with the Assemblies of God in the U.S.

Those who turn from their sins to God and place their faith in Jesus Christ as God’s Son are forgiven from their sins and saved to new life.
Meet Our Staff.
Rick Boyes
Matthew Koopman
Tim Schwindt
Cheryl Boyes
Wayne Giroux
Mitch Black
Jesse MacMillan
Leigh-Anne Tucker
Joey Morris
Erika Kafka
Natalie Kuurstra
Denielle Broer
Erin Smith
Nikki Clark
Vicki Holmes
Ezra Hiebert
Assistant Youth Director
Ethan Jones
Assistant Youth Director
Miranda Smithyman
Nicki Frederiksen
Bethany Medland
Sabina Diago
Sharon Nelson
Jeremy Jongejan
Facilities Maintenance Manager
Joann Ranjit
Technical Support
Board of Directors
Sunali (Perera) Swaminathan
Kim Cechetto
Vice President
Adam Kafka
Nathan Albion
Ryan Peters
John McDonald
Andrew Williams