Inspiring lives, growing connections.

In a rapidly growing faith community like Gateway, it may feel like you know very few of the people you see at church. Meet some of our Gateway family whose life stories and experiences may surprise you, and will definitely inspire you. May you be blessed and encouraged as you learn how God has been faithful to the people around you in so many different ways.
Plus, you’ll have a few more people to say ‘hi’ to in the coffee lineup on Sundays!

Nikki & Trevor Clark

“As we share our struggles people find encouragement, knowing they are not alone.”

On their tenth wedding anniversary, in 2015, Trevor and Nikki raced through an 8-mile-long muddy obstacle course, and jumped into a tank of icy water. Participating in the Tough Mudder near Toronto was a demanding mix of determination, grit—and fun.

During their faith journey, Trevor and Nikki have had many enjoyable times together, but they have also faced some serious trials and struggles. Trevor has battled with anxiety and depression since childhood. And yet, although Nikki and Trevor have attended Gateway for 26 years, for many years they lacked a sense of community support in facing these challenges, since their involvement was limited to Sunday mornings. Their lives were busy, with Trevor working as a mechanical engineer. Nikki worked as a food service supervisor in a long-term care facility and as a registered holistic nutritionist, and for six years stayed home with their children Emily (now 15) and Travis (13).

And there was the added practical issue of living outside London with a 30-minute commute. “We came to Gateway for years and still did not know people.” Then, five years ago, they both heard from

God that they needed community. To be connected with their church family—for the sake of their children as well as for themselves. “We do have to sacrifice to grow in our faith. But the blessings far exceed the sacrifices.”

And so, they became involved with the Ladies’ and Men’s Bible studies, and their kids participated in Gateway youth programs. Trevor also enjoys welcoming people on Sundays as an usher. More recently Nikki and Trevor joined a Connect group with five other families that all have middle school and high school age children. And the kids come with them and have their own time of connection as well as discussions about the Bible—sometimes led by Emily.

“We’re thankful to be part of a community at Gateway where we can share one another’s challenges and blessings.” Recently Nikki has sensed that God is impressing on her heart the word “boldness.” Although she is naturally reserved, she feels that God wants her to “share our struggles so that people know they are not alone.” As a result of his own experiences, Trevor has become an advocate to bring awareness that mental health struggles are common, and that men also need to be able to express their emotions.

After 15 years of volunteering in children’s ministry on Sundays, Nikki was hired almost two years ago as Preschool Director for Gateway London campus. “It’s a blessing to witness the growth in the faith of kids. To see babies I held now serving. Our own kids are now pouring back into ministry as they volunteer with younger children.”

Both Trevor and Nikki also enjoy involvement in their local community. Trevor volunteers as a trainer for Travis’ hockey team, and coaches soccer. Nikki is president of Emily’s skating club and enjoys coaching her daughter’s fastball team. Trevor and Nikki both have opportunities to share the gospel in natural ways as they develop relationships with people they meet. And Trevor’s boldness has led him to encourage homeless people he encounters with food, and conversations about faith.

Looking back over years of being a Christian, “when we face a difficult season, we are thankful for the struggles. They are an opportunity for growth. And as we share them people find encouragement, knowing they are not alone.”