WeAreGateway Steps is an opportunity for people to discover more about who we are, what we believe and what we desire for you.
Discover our mission, values and desire for you. Learn what programs the church offers and its leadership structure.
Begin to live in community: attend weekend experiences
Discover God’s purpose and design for you as well as the gifts that
He has given to you.
Declare your relationship with Jesus publicly: water baptism
Understand your unique design.
Pray for God’s leading and direction as you consider where to serve.
God has made each of us with different talents and skills. Learn how those skills can be used on one of our serving teams.
Begin serving on a team. Sign up here.
Share your story with others.
Invite others to discover their purpose.
Discover our mission, values and desire for you. Learn what programs the church offers and its leadership structure.
Gather with others to worship and proclaim the message of Jesus.
Begin living in community, connected with other believers.
Join a team and serve in ministry, using your gifts.
Share your faith in Jesus with others.
Begin your journey of generosity and giving.
Watch what God will do in your life, in our church and our community!