Community Partners
"Give to others, and God will give to you. Indeed, you will receive a full measure, a generous helping, poured into your hands—all that you can hold. The measure you use for others is the one that God will use for you.” - Luke 6:38
Ailsa Craig & Area Food Bank
The Ailsa Craig & Area Food is a registered Christian Charitable Organization dedicated to meeting the following needs:
Providing a monthly food hamper to individuals and families facing financial hardship
Maintaining and enhancing recipient comfort and self-esteem
Promoting and encouraging commitment to God's Word, way and church
We invite you to donate non-perishable food items in the bin located in the foyer of the Komoka community centre during church hours, as well you can donate financially through the donations page on the Ailsa Craig foodbank website. The following items are some of the current needs we are seeing in our community:
Juice (single size & family)
Soda Crackers & Snack Crackers
Mr. Noodles (Ramen Noodles)
Cheez Whiz
Ketchup & other condiments
Canned green beans or yellow beans
Small canned vegetable soup
Canned or dry mix potatoes
Canned salmon, ham, chicken or turkey
Canned pineapple and mixed fruit cocktail
Rice (900 g packages)
Fresh Fruit & Vegetables
Instant jello and pudding mixes
Muffin mix
Cake mix & icing
Flour, baking soda, chocolate chips, etc.
Coffee (instant & ground coffee), Tea, whitener & sugar
Boost (vanilla)
Toilet Paper, kleenex, shampoo, tooth paste/brush/floss
incontinence products for women
Dish Soap
household cleaners (kitchen, bath, etc.)
Laundry Detergent/softener/bleach/stain remover
Pet Food